art photography


“OMG, this goes to eleven!” Feeling happy and honored to be the 11th photographer in this great project presenting 100 most interesting Finnish photographers in every fields of photography, including also art and documentary. Thank you. ❤️?



Pari päivää sitten Hesari nosti todella isosti esiin tämän Hanna-Kaisa ja Marko Hämäläisen kuratoiman spektaakkeliprojektin ja samalla meidät kuvaajat. Nyt myös Keskisuomalaisen teki jutun tästä hienosta Suomi 100 -projektista nostaen pääkuvitukseksi minun kuviani. 😀 Tuntuu hyvältä olla valittuna mukaan näin kovaan porukkaan. ? Mukana menossa mm. Elina Brotherus, Arno Rafael Minkkinen, Jari Silomäki, Susanna Majuri, Stefan Bremer, Sanna Kannisto, Marja Pirilä, Heli Rekula, Tiina Itkonen, Pentti Sammallahti ja monia monia muita kiinnostavia nimiä joten kannattaa tsekata tuo yläpuolella oleva linkki.






Bye bye Endless Summer! My exhibition in Ii is now wrapped and gone but memories and photos will stay. I have got so much positive feedback from this exhibition that it really gives me a boost for my forthcoming projects.

When I was in Ii I was stopped on the street by locals who were inspired by my photos. The most absurd situation was when I went for the first time to Jäppisen Baari (local bar) after the opening ­and before I had even entered the place one wonderful man shouted “PEKIIIIII!” and wanted to shake my hand and thank me for the exhibition.
And even now when I’m back in Helsinki, some people have called me just to talk with me about the pictures. Several people has also told me that they have never seen an exhibition like this in Ii, as all the time they have walked next to the exhibition area there has been people looking at my pictures. So probably I don’t exaggerate if I say the exhibition was a success also from the perspective of community art 😀
For my part I would like to say THANK YOU!!!

It was truly a pleasure!

XOXO, Peki




P.S. These photos are taken in Ii between 2am ­4am during one night I tried to work with Photoshop. But probably you can imagine why I couldn’t stay inside staring at the computer all night 😉


Last night exactly at 3.30 a.m. Mr. Renaissance Genius aka Artist Himself aka itte Sinikoski got an idea. He decided to create a masterpiece. He decided to give himself 15 days and after that he will show you the best art work ever created!

…or at least he came up with the title of his forthcoming exhibition and according to himself “that’s pretty revolutionary, too”.

Stay tuned!