Good books, long walks by the sea shore, and the loved ones around you. O’boy! I always surprise myself with realizing what a good investment a long holiday is to onerself. Now I’m so entusiastic, full of energy and ready for new adventures.

Two weeks ago I was shooting photos for one of my forthcoming art project in Denmark. I was fortuned to travel there together with my family so it didn’t feel like working at all. We were playing together with my daughter on the snow covered beaches, spotting the lighthouses and really enjoying the cold winds blowing from sea and filling our lungs with fresh air and our heads with new ideas.

Even that I might sound naive I have to admit something. I really, trully love photographing. Sometimes when I’m busy with hundreds of different kind of projects, I forget to say it outloud. But here we go: I love photographing! It was crystalized to me during the holiday; finding myself standing in the ice cold water in Denmark just to capture the perfect image.

So, now I’m back in Helsinki and ready for the action. Waiting eagerly on what year 2011 will bring us. I have updated my web portfolio so please do yourself a favor and reserve a small break from everything else, grab a good cup of coffee, lift your feet on the table and enjoy the great new photos I have uploaded for you.

Cheers, Peki

P.S. A couple of months ago I was shooting an advertisement for Genelec together with the guys from Look Mama + Las Palmas in co-operation with N2. We did the advertisement with living legends Michael Monroe and Sam Yaffa. You can find the still picture for the ad in my portfolio. HERE you can find the video with the some behind the scene clips of the actual photo shooting.

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