

We have been on the road together for a long time. Working hard, taking care of each other, and travelling like nomads. Today it’s time to celebrate our first larger New Ghosts exhibition taking place here in Sydney @headonphotofest (Royal Botanic Garden, located next to Sydney Opera House.) The exhibition is packed with amazing photographers from all over the world and I’m so proud we two are included. ✌️😃✌️ C U at the opening and do not miss our Artist Talk/Performance tomorrow (Saturday May 4th 12.00 pm) at Paddington Town Hall. We are looking forward seeing you in the audience.

I would like to thank everyone who has helped, encouraged, trusted and supported us, our work, and our journey during the years. Special thanks goes to Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Frame Contemporary Art Finland, and Embassy of Finland in Canberra.   🌸


Red Carpet Time with Astrid and Moshe Rosenzveig aka The Grand Master Flash of Head On Photo Festival. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Very often when you post photos on your webpage, blog or Instagram, the whole thing feels kind of unreal. How fantastic is it to come all the way here and actually meet people who stops you on the street just to tell you they really like the photographs we are doing together with Astrid. (THANK YOU!⭐️) So fantastic to get to know people who are touched by our art. How great does it feel to meet real people behind the virtual reality on your screen. 
We are so happy we suddenly have new friends here in Australia 🥳😃⭐️Not only computers but kangaroos and humans, too 😄😄😄🦘 And guess what, Astrid just dropped another tooth. What a night! 🦷❤️⭐️


I have something extraordinary for all my Japanese friends and followers out there. The wonderful Q Sakamaki ( @qsakamaki ) interviewed me for his highly ranked photo blog in the Japanese version of Newsweek magazine. Thank you so much Q ?Arigato ? 

For all my non-Japanese-speaking friends: When looking at ???the article with all those cool characters, you might have a feeling of being ”lost in translation”, but don’t worry, I can assure you every single word from me are truly the words of wisdom and I sound like a nobel hearted genious. (And all my Japanese followers actually understanding the text, please don’t break the illusion ???)


One of my biggest dream is to have an exhibition in Japan. So if there is anyone out there who can help me with this dream, please give me a shout. You can find my website address in my bio. 

平静& 愛情, Aki Sinikoski

Peace & Love, Aki Sinikoski



Me and my daughter have worked with our photo series of New Ghosts since 2011.

Now already before our first larger (non-performatic) exhibition taking place in Sydney at Head On Photo Festival we got great news from the capital of Georgia. 

Not only our photoseries New Ghosts, but also two single images out of the series are shortlisted for an award in Kolga Tbilisi Photo 2019. Our photo series will be presented in the opening ceremony and who knows – maybe we will get a trophy @kolgatbilisiphoto ??? 

Thank you for the nominations!

YES! We are super stoked about this!!!



New Ghosts in New York. Short term exhibition in Central Park, New York.

Our plan was to travel here together. To celebrate life after you have beaten cancer. Now, more than two years after your death, I’m here alone.


Sinikoski & Sinikoski

We artists often try to do something to leave a mark in the history. To make us kind of immortal. When I was a little boy my father told me mosquitos live only for one day. I remember thinking: well if they are on this planet for such a short time, why do they have to be born at all? Just to die a short moment later… This photo is from mine and my daughter’s first Ghosts Watching Over Me winter outdoor exhibition here in Finland. The name of the exhibition was We Are Just Lonely Skeletons with Golden Teeth. …There will be a sequence of exhibitions to follow with this photo series we have been working on since my daughter was four. These unmarked exhibitions last for only one day or less, and we won’t promote them in any way in advance. They just take place in random locations without notice. 
Maybe you now ask what’s the purpose of such a short exhibition if no one else knows about them. But that’s your question, not ours. We already have the answer.


Sinikoski & Sinikoski