
Stylistically many of my photographies are located somewhere on the borderline between documentary and art. This summer 18.7.–20.9. I will present a series called Endless Summer in public spaces here in Ii. The series was created by objectively following the lives of some of the personalities but also by actively discussing with others of them.

Here in Ii some of the elderly that I have shot has prepared masks to wear in the pictures. With these masks they are able to hide or highlight their wishes, dreams, or fears. The idea to the masks came from some of the old men I shot in more traditional documentary way. They had made themselves masks and other objects to strongly mediate their feelings. In this final series these situations, feelings, and persons documented in a more traditional way are mixed with photos that were created by using more community based working methods. Together I think these images create an honest and multifaceted picture of the post-war generation.

For my Finnish speaking friends: Here is an article released in the the local newspaper Rantapohja. Text and photos by Leena Takaluoma