
Epic Failing is a series of duets by choreographer Maija Hirvanen and a number of collaborating artists. The artistic substrate for the duets is the concept of failure.
I took the photos for Maija. AN EPIC FAIL!!!!!! Why? Because I really truly tried to fail with the photos, as the title suggest but look at this one for example. Isn’t it just perfect?!?
XOXO, Peki


Aki-Pekka Sinkoski: Maija

Aki-Pekka Sinkoski: Maija

Aki-Pekka Sinkoski: Maija

There are things in this life that just needs to be done. This photo shooting for Maija was one of them. There wasn’t really a budget or even time for it but all of us just really wanted to do it. And I’m super happy we did it!
What a beautiful day!

Peace & Love, Peki Sinikoski