

New Ghosts Exhibitions in Autumn 2020:

Gallery Hippolyte, Helsinki (2.10.–25.10.2020)
Photo Vogue Festival, Milan (30.10.–22.11.2020)
Yeltsin Center, Yekaterinburg (8.11.–22.11.2020)
Northern Photographic Centre, Oulu (7.11.2020-24.1.2021)

Smaller edition also exhibited at:
Backlight Photo Festival, Visual Catalysts, Tampere (26.9.–18.10.2020)
Backlight Photo Festival, Light in the Tunnel, Tampere (5.9.–31.12.2020)

“We do not believe in ghosts, nor in photos. We believe in each other.”

Aki-Pekka and Astrid Sinikoski’s exhibition New Ghosts portrays the relationship between father and daughter and their attempts to understand life, change, and the passage of time. The show raises questions about identity, adulthood and childhood, life and death—what kind of role models, ideals, and future scenarios do we create for each other?

When we are young, our fears are often easy to name. We are afraid of monsters, ghosts or, for example, the tree’s shadow behind a window. Often, as we grow older, fears become more abstract—these new amorphous anxieties create new unnamed phantoms, a sort of “ghost” in one’s life which cannot be named. While filming the “ghost study,” Sinikoskis have observed that fears are often revealed in dreams. When one gets to know these apparitions better and tame the faceless figure, they turn into a gateway to one’s dreams.

The body of work on display at Photographic Gallery Hippolyte features the photographic works of two different series: New Ghosts and Ghost Studies with Flowers. The latter collection is on display for the first time and examines mortality, life, and beauty in brief moments. Discussions between Sinikoskis and the “ghosts” act as a starting point for both series. While filming all over the world, father and daughter spent long periods on the road. On these trips, they expanded their “ghost study,” but also organised numerous mini-exhibitions lasting less than a day, and to celebrate transcience. The images presented were mainly printed on canvas. All sorts of public spaces, like emptied swimming pools in the suburbs, were commissioned as galleries.

Aki-Pekka and Astrid Sinikoski’s “ghost study” began in 2011. The series is scheduled to be completed in 2058, when Aki-Pekka turns 80 and Astrid 50. So far, New Ghosts has been presented on three different continents. After Hippolyte’s exhibition, the collection will be seen at the Photo Vogue Festival in Milan, among other places.

Aki-Pekka Sinikoski lives and works in Helsinki. As a portrait and documentary photographer, he is best known for his photo series Finnish Teens (2011) and Last Machos (2016). In his artistic processes, Sinikoski strives to capture the passing of time; as a result, projects are often lengthy and time-consuming. He is not looking for decisive moments but rather the stagnant feeling just after these moments. Sinikoski worked as the artistic director of the Helsinki Biennale from 2006 to 2009. In 2020, he made his debut as a children’s author with his work Under månen (transl. Under the Moon, Schildts & Söderströms). This longingly comforting and philosophical book tells a story of a child’s life after his mother’s death. Sinikoski hopes the book will bring light and warmth to where it is needed most.

Astrid Sinikoski is a seventh-grade high school student. She plays basketball, loves animals, and enjoys drawing. She has a joint punk and techno band with her father, Raidalliset Lapset (Engl. Striped Children). Admittedly, the band has never released anything other than punk, as neither has yet learned to play techno.

The exhibition is kindly supported by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Finnfoto, and Konstsamfundet. 


Yey!!! My first children’s book is out now!!! Here in Finland it’s published in Swedish (Under månen) by Schildts & Söderströms and in Finnish (Kuun valossa) by S & S.

Illustrations by Ilja Karsikas.

“When I was little, my mum flew to the moon. She worked at the circus. That night they shot her up in the air, like always. But it wasn’t an ordinary night; it was a night full of magic. Once my mum was in the air, she never came down, she simply went on flying. Through the tent, past the clouds, all the way to the moon. That’s where she’s sitting now. Looking down at us and smiling.” 

According to the publishing house: 

”Aki-Pekka Sinikoski makes his debut as an author with a warm and philosophical text that receives a precise and personal accompaniment from Ilja Karsikas’ watercolour illustrations. In Under the Moon, they create a magical world where sadness, but also beauty and absurdity, have a place. This sensitive and wistful book about the meaning of love, existence and the purpose of life brings to mind children’s classics of world literature like Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince.”

As an author Aki-Pekka Sinikoski is internationally represented by Helsinki Literary Agency.


WOW!!! We just received the message that we have been chosen through thousands of photographers and now our photos are nominated to PHOTO VOGUE FESTIVAL ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ We are so happy already now… We have made it together all these years and let’s hope we will make it all the way to Milan.



PS… VOGUE!!! That is VOGUE!!! How great is that!!!?!?! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

PPS. Happy midsummer’s midnight to all of you ☀️🌙❤️


I have some great contract news for you! For now on I will be represented as an author by Helsinki Literary Agency. It feels fantastic to know there are great people working actively to get my first childrens book ”Under månen” published in as many countries as possible. 🙏❤️⭐️

Here in Finland the book is going to be published not only in Swedish (by Schildts & Söderströms) but also in Finnish (by S & S) during the spring 2020. The book is illustrated by iljakarsikas – one of the most talented illustrators in Finland. So stay tuned. I think you will love it. 😊


Here is a small interview of me (in Swedish) made by my publisher Schildts & Söderströms. Schildts & Söderströms has been publishing books since 1891 and next year they are going to publish my first children’s book, UNDER MÅNEN.

Aki-Pekka Sinikoski (f. 1978) är en fotokonstnär och tvåbarnsfar som älskar vind och hav. Han har studerat vid Konstindustriella högskolan (numera Aalto-universitetet) och vid Bergens konstakademi i Norge. Sinikoskis bilder har varit utställda i bland annat Sydney, New York och Moskva. Under år 2020 ställer han ut sin fotoserie New Ghosts också på orter i Finland, bland annat på Galleri Hippolyte i Helsingfors. Han har arbetat med serien i fråga sedan 2011 tillsammans med dottern Astrid. Sinikoski debuterar som författare med den filosofiska och varma bilderboken Under månen.

Varför skriver du?

För att förmedla berättelser och skapa nya världar de finaste och bästa av alla lekar. Jag var obotligt nostalgisk redan som barn. Alla mina bardomssomrar tillbringade jag i skärgården på mina föräldrars gamla fiskebåt och lärde mej redan som mycket ung att om man tänder en brasa på en ö samlas människorna runt den då det blir mörkt på kvällen för att berätta berättelser. Varje kväll tände jag en brasa och varje kväll fick jag höra nya berättelser. Jag memorerade berättelserna jag hörde och på hösten berättade jag dem vidare för mina vänner i stan då skolan igen började. Jag tror att jag fortfarande använder samma metod både med mina fotografier och mina texter. Jag samlar på berättelser för att förmedla dem vidare i hopp om att skapa ljus och mening i människors liv.

Varför är litteratur viktigt?

Jag tror att ord älskar frihet. Jag igen älskar känslan av att placera lämpliga ord i lämplig ordning. Under riktigt bra dagar kan jag känna stolthet över mina ord och följa med hur de för människor till platser de aldrig varit på tidigare samt notera hur ord kan förmedla känslor och väcka nya tankar. Jag tycker också om då de där egensinniga orden ibland lekfullt anarkistiskt hoppar från sina placeringar och som i misstag skapar nya meningar och nya betydelser. Betydelser som inte ens deras författare kände till.

Hur skiljer sej dina skriftliga berättelser från dina fotoserier?

En av de största skillnaderna är hur de här berättelserna läses. Hur texten eller bilden utformas för läsaren. I text föds berättelsen ord för ord och mening för mening. Det du läser i följande mening har inte existerat innan du läser det. Fotografier däremot avslöjar redan vid första anblick någon slags helhetsbild, som blir tydligare ju längre du undersöker bilden. Fotografier har också alltid en ganska stark anknytning till verkligheten.

Är ord större än fotografier?

Ibland. Ibland är dock fotografier starkare än ord. Båda redskapen har klart sina egna styrkor och egenskaper. Ur min synpunkt handlar de båda om att kommunicera. Medan ord känns nästan aktiva och omedelbara i stunden då du läser dem känns fotografier nästan utan undantag som något från det förflutna. Ett fotografi är som en gamling som sitter i en gungstol och gång på gång berättar samma historia från sin ungdom. Fotografier berättar om något som har varit. Jag tycker att texten antyder om något som är. Precis i den stunden då du läser.

Jag älskar båda de här redskapen också för att de kan få tiden att stå still. Som bäst kan de till och med förändra någons liv eller värld. Ens för en stund.

Din högsta önskan?

När jag var liten brukade jag sitta hos min farmor efter skolan. Vi brukade tända en brasa i kakelugnen och dricka kokkaffe. Vi satt bredvid varandra och tittande in i elden. Alltid pratade vi inte ens så mycket. Vi bara satt där. Gällande den här boken är min högsta önskan att den skulle vara som den där brasan som sprider värme och ljus i en mörk vinterkväll när det känns att det är för mörkt och kallt där ute. Att läsarna kunde trivas med boken för sig själva eller tillsammans.


My body is already in Finland but my mind is still in Moscow, Russia. Here are some photos from New Ghosts exhibition (by me and my daughter Astrid) running at the fantastic The Lumiere Brothers Center photo gallery until December 15th. 

So if you are in Moscow do not miss this one 😊

The exhibition at The Lumiere Brothers Center for Photography is made in collaboration with Finnish Embassy in Moscow and the exhibition is curated by Tuula Alajoki.

And for all our New Ghosts fans out there: Do not worry. We are going to have at least three big gallery and museum exhibitions next year in Finland as well so you will finally see our works in Finland, too.


Big exhibition update! New Ghosts is part of the Off Bratislava exhibition in Slovakia starting next week.
In November New Ghosts will also be exhibited in Lumiere Brothers Center of Photography, Moscow.
And yes, we have some great news for our Finnish friends as well. In 2020 we will do not only one, or two, but three (3!!!) big gallery and museum exhibitions here in Finland.
So stay tuned for more information.


Happy to share with you that my Finnish Teens photos are right now part of the Wiesbaden fototage exhibition in Germany. So if you happen to be in Frankfurt, do yourself a favor and make a day trip to the idyllic Wiesbaden and say greetings to my photos 🙂

Wiesbaden fototage is the oldest photographic biennale in Germany and you can find my photos in the gallery of ”Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst”. Finnish Teens was curated to the exhibition by amazing Katja Maria Nyman.

Peace & Love, Aki-Pekka Sinikoski



Me and my daughter have worked with our photo series of New Ghosts since 2011.

Now already before our first larger (non-performatic) exhibition taking place in Sydney at Head On Photo Festival we got great news from the capital of Georgia. 

Not only our photoseries New Ghosts, but also two single images out of the series are shortlisted for an award in Kolga Tbilisi Photo 2019. Our photo series will be presented in the opening ceremony and who knows – maybe we will get a trophy @kolgatbilisiphoto ??? 

Thank you for the nominations!

YES! We are super stoked about this!!!
