Helsingin Sanomat wasn’t the only newspaper that has been writing about the Finnish Teens exhibition. Actually it looks like there has been articles and news about it all over the country. At least Hufvudstadsbladet, Turun Sanomat, Keskipohjanmaa, Hämeen Sanomat, Kaleva, Ilkka, Pohjalainen, Demari, Savon Sanomat, Karjalainen, Kotivinkki, and Ylioppilaslehti has published an article about the exhibition. Besides that there has been news about the exhibition in many web magazines and blogs like YLE, Suosikki, Nelonen, City, Finnguide, Luksusblog, Sateenkaarimaalari and This is Finland.
If you have noticed any stories pulished in any other media than mentioned above it would be great if you could drop me an email about it.
Cheers, Peki